We are the first and so far the only group in Poland – an “energy services company” that provides comprehensive energy services, according to the definition contained in the Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 5, 2006, on energy end-use efficiency and energy services and the “energy service provider” mentioned in Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 25, 2012, on energy efficiency. In this area, we offer comprehensive construction, financing, and maintenance of Autonomous Power Systems, implemented via the so-called “Zero-Emission Power Plant” (ZEPP) operating for 8760 hours a year and generating absolutely clean energy sourced from the environment.
Renewable energy sources include wind, biomass (e.g., landfill gas and biogas), water, solar (thermal and photovoltaic), geothermal energy, and tidal power. These renewable sources are intended as alternatives to fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) and nuclear fuel (uranium). The concentration of renewable energy sources significantly impacts their utilization. While solar energy is the most abundant energy source, it is also the most dispersed. Wind energy can be more concentrated: a single wind turbine can have a capacity of several to several dozen megawatts. Hydroelectric power plants in Poland, using water flowing from a large area, can generate megawatt-level power, with the largest pumped-storage power plant in Poland generating 716 MW.
Thanks to the new application of physical laws, the use of many unique innovations, and the combination of several unique technologies, we have created an innovative and so far the only stable, emission-free, and fully accessible, ecological energy source that can successfully compete with known renewable power plants (sun, wind, water) and conventional power plants based on the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil, uranium).
The ZERO-EMISSION POWER PLANT – ZEPP is several times more efficient than other known solutions on the market used for energy generation. An example ZEPP module has a nominal capacity of 5 MW (productivity: 8760h x 5 MW = 43800 MWh/year) and consists of 10 generators with a continuous power of 5 MW, operating stably 24 hours a day. The land use for a 5 MW plant is very small and amounts to about 2500 m2. We can build Zero-Emission Power Plants of any power in the range of 1 – 50 MW, by connecting many smaller modules.
The ZERO-EMISSION POWER PLANT 5 MW and a PV – Photovoltaic Plant 45 MW are installations with similar annual energy production and have the following design parameters: ZEPP – productivity 1 MW = 8760 MWh/year, PV – productivity 1 MW = 1100 MWh/year; investment area/plot for ZEPP – 0.25 ha for PV – 35 ha; energy generation stability for ZEPP – stable 24 hours/day for PV – unstable/operates only on sunny days; time to obtain a building permit for ZEPP – 0.5 years for PV – at least 1.5 years; the energy generated by ZEPP and PV is ecological energy.
Additional arguments beneficial for the ZEPP project:
- The Zero-Emission Power Plant is located at the energy recipient’s site – no transmission costs and capacity fees;
- Energy costs for the end customer are 30-50% (depending on cooperation conditions) lower than current market prices.
- Additionally, ZEPP has full investment financing without the end customer’s capital involvement.
- Significantly lower land tax due to the investment’s small footprint;
At our own expense, we will undertake the construction of the Zero-Emission Power Plant and modernize the existing technical installations in your facility, adapting them to use new, ecological energy sources. The benefit for your company is receiving rent for leasing the land for the investment and the possibility to purchase energy at preferential conditions, with prices 30 – 50% lower than standard market prices, without any investment costs. An additional advantage is access to fully ecological and emission-free energy.