Hydrogen is the simplest element in the periodic table of elements. It has the symbol H and an atomic number of 1, meaning it has only one proton in its atomic nucleus. It is also the lightest of all chemical elements. Hydrogen exists in a gaseous state at standard temperature and pressure (0°C and 1 atm). It is also the only element that occurs as a gas under normal atmospheric conditions. It is the lightest known element and has a very low density. It is about 14 times lighter than air. Hydrogen is very chemically reactive. It forms numerous chemical compounds, including water (H2O) in reaction with oxygen and organic compounds in reactions with other elements and compounds. Hydrogen can be successfully used in various sectors because it is a high-energy fuel (33 kWh/kg), making it a significant competitor to battery technologies.

In a direct comparison of hydrogen with batteries, where their energy density ranges from 250-260 Wh/kg, hydrogen, as the leader, has about 125 times greater energy density per 1 kg. Introducing hydrogen as a technology will allow for a smooth reduction of the economy’s emissions. Countries on all continents are continuously striving to find new alternatives for the development of climate-neutral technologies. The European Union has set a goal to achieve total climate neutrality by 2050; capturing and storing the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions that will be released into the atmosphere. This is a very realistic goal, considering how quickly technology is developing today, and if they are effective and produce the desired results, they are implemented immediately.

Hydrogen can be used in transportation, industry, and energy. Hydrogen is an energy carrier, capable of storing large amounts of it (33 kWh/kg). In places where battery technologies fail, such as covering long-term electricity shortages in the transmission system, hydrogen is an ideal alternative. Stored hydrogen, whether in storage tanks or gas systems, can then be converted back into electricity in combination with oxygen using fuel cell technology.

Hydrogen is becoming a very optimistic solution to the problems of the new “New Green Deal” climate policy and the growing aspirations to use only green energy and eliminate fossil fuels (entirely). Hydrogen can play a significant role in the new energy policy as a green and sustainable energy source, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, diversification of energy sources, and the development of modern technologies.

Below are some aspects in which hydrogen can be included in the new energy policy:

  • Hydrogen fuel: Hydrogen can be used as fuel in fuel cells, which generate electricity through the electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen. Fuel cells are efficient, effective, and produce only clean water as a byproduct, making them environmentally friendly. Implementing hydrogen vehicles and infrastructure for the production and distribution of hydrogen can help reduce CO2 emissions in transportation.
  • Energy storage: Hydrogen can serve as an energy carrier, allowing the storage of excess electricity from renewable sources such as solar and wind. Hydrogen can be produced during periods of excess energy and later used to generate electricity during shortages, helping to sustainably use renewable energy sources.
  • Decarbonization of industry: Hydrogen can be used in industrial processes such as steel and ammonia production to replace conventional fossil fuel-based hydrogen sources. This “green” hydrogen can help reduce CO2 emissions from the industrial sector.
  • Public transport: Hydrogen can be used in public transport means such as buses, trains, and hydrogen taxis. Promoting the development and implementation of these vehicles can contribute to reducing emissions in the transport sector.
  • Research and development: Investments in hydrogen-related research and development are crucial for developing new technologies for the production, storage, and use of hydrogen. The new energy policy can support research projects and innovations related to hydrogen.

Low-emission hydrogen will be useful in a low-carbon world as an energy carrier and when end-use applications are too difficult or expensive to electrify. Therefore, hydrogen plays a key role in modeled scenarios of a zero-emission future.

Countries are planning paths to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions based on clean hydrogen, leading to growing interest in investments worldwide. Potential producers see an economic opportunity in exporting clean hydrogen. Potential consumers recognize the benefits of decarbonization and energy security. However, global interest is just beginning to turn into investments.

Regional innovation clusters, which typically include universities, laboratories, research parks, incubators, and manufacturing centers, have long supported economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness. Concentrating innovative activities geographically, even in a joint center or research park, can facilitate collaboration and information exchange between scientists, engineers, and companies. With appropriate incentives, it is possible to coordinate their research efforts so that they share expensive equipment and provide complementary resources.

A hydrogen hub is the main user of green hydrogen, which will use renewable electricity from the grid to produce appropriate supplies of green hydrogen via an electrolyzer and store this hydrogen in high-pressure tanks. The storage can have several functions:

  • the electrolyzer can be sized based on average demand rather than peak demand,
  • storage potentially separates production and use, allowing the electrolyzer to use the cheapest renewable electricity when available, · stored hydrogen can be used as a backup in case of a power outage.

The electrolyzer, storage, and basic application will need to be optimized for the most economically beneficial use

In addition to meeting the primary application of the main user, the hydrogen hub can supply hydrogen to nearby smaller users and profit from it.

The hydrogen hub is the entirety of the infrastructure needed for hydrogen production. It includes:

  • hydrogen production facility – electrolyzers,
  • logistics infrastructure distribution infrastructure.

The size and type of installations included in the hubs depend on the source of hydrogen.


We are the first and so far the only group in Poland – an “energy services company” that provides comprehensive energy services, according to the definition contained in the Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 5, 2006, on energy end-use efficiency and energy services and the “energy service provider” mentioned in Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 25, 2012, on energy efficiency. In this area, we offer comprehensive construction, financing, and maintenance of Autonomous Power Systems, implemented via the so-called “Zero-Emission Power Plant” (ZEPP) operating for 8760 hours a year and generating absolutely clean energy sourced from the environment.

Renewable energy sources include wind, biomass (e.g., landfill gas and biogas), water, solar (thermal and photovoltaic), geothermal energy, and tidal power. These renewable sources are intended as alternatives to fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) and nuclear fuel (uranium). The concentration of renewable energy sources significantly impacts their utilization. While solar energy is the most abundant energy source, it is also the most dispersed. Wind energy can be more concentrated: a single wind turbine can have a capacity of several to several dozen megawatts. Hydroelectric power plants in Poland, using water flowing from a large area, can generate megawatt-level power, with the largest pumped-storage power plant in Poland generating 716 MW.

Thanks to the new application of physical laws, the use of many unique innovations, and the combination of several unique technologies, we have created an innovative and so far the only stable, emission-free, and fully accessible, ecological energy source that can successfully compete with known renewable power plants (sun, wind, water) and conventional power plants based on the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil, uranium).

The ZERO-EMISSION POWER PLANT – ZEPP is several times more efficient than other known solutions on the market used for energy generation. An example ZEPP module has a nominal capacity of 5 MW (productivity: 8760h x 5 MW = 43800 MWh/year) and consists of 10 generators with a continuous power of 5 MW, operating stably 24 hours a day. The land use for a 5 MW plant is very small and amounts to about 2500 m2. We can build Zero-Emission Power Plants of any power in the range of 1 – 50 MW, by connecting many smaller modules.

The ZERO-EMISSION POWER PLANT 5 MW and a PV – Photovoltaic Plant 45 MW are installations with similar annual energy production and have the following design parameters: ZEPP – productivity 1 MW = 8760 MWh/year, PV – productivity 1 MW = 1100 MWh/year; investment area/plot for ZEPP – 0.25 ha for PV – 35 ha; energy generation stability for ZEPP – stable 24 hours/day for PV – unstable/operates only on sunny days; time to obtain a building permit for ZEPP – 0.5 years for PV – at least 1.5 years; the energy generated by ZEPP and PV is ecological energy.

Additional arguments beneficial for the ZEPP project:

  • The Zero-Emission Power Plant is located at the energy recipient’s site – no transmission costs and capacity fees;
  • Energy costs for the end customer are 30-50% (depending on cooperation conditions) lower than current market prices.
  • Additionally, ZEPP has full investment financing without the end customer’s capital involvement.
  • Significantly lower land tax due to the investment’s small footprint;

At our own expense, we will undertake the construction of the Zero-Emission Power Plant and modernize the existing technical installations in your facility, adapting them to use new, ecological energy sources. The benefit for your company is receiving rent for leasing the land for the investment and the possibility to purchase energy at preferential conditions, with prices 30 – 50% lower than standard market prices, without any investment costs. An additional advantage is access to fully ecological and emission-free energy.


We are leaders in the field of energy innovation, specializing in creating autonomous energy systems that provide independence, efficiency, and sustainable development. Our mission is to support enterprises and communities in utilizing renewable energy sources in the most effective way, despite their seasonality and instability.

Our Solutions:

  • Autonomous Power Systems:
    We offer comprehensive solutions in the form of autonomous power systems that allow for reliable electric power supply from renewable sources such as solar and wind energy. These systems operate independently of the power grid, making them an ideal solution for both home installations and energy-efficient industrial facilities, as well as in remote locations.
  • Microgrid Systems:
    We specialize in designing and implementing microgrid systems, which are independent, local energy systems capable of generating, storing, and managing energy. Our microgrids provide resilience to outages and the ability to integrate various renewable technologies, enhancing the stability and reliability of energy supplies.
  • Advanced Energy Management:
    We implement energy management systems using intelligent algorithms to optimize the production, distribution, and consumption of energy. This allows for maximum utilization of available energy resources while minimizing costs and environmental impact.
  • Energy Storage Technologies:
    We develop and implement innovative energy storage technologies, including battery and hydrogen systems, which allow for the storage of excess energy and its use when production from renewable sources is reduced. Thus, our systems guarantee a continuous energy supply.

Earth’s natural resources are diminishing each year. Non-renewable energy sources, such as bituminous coal, lignite, petroleum, and natural gas, are the main fossil fuels used today for energy production. The energy generated in this way produces pollutants that later penetrate the air, soil, and water. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a priority of international environmental policy. Achieving the set goals is possible by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources.

Utilizing renewable energy sources (RES) does not involve long-term deficits because their resources renew in a relatively short time (renewable resources). Such sources include the sun, wind, water (rivers, tides, and sea waves), as well as nuclear energy in a closed fuel cycle, biomass, biogas, biofluids, and biofuels. Renewable energy also includes heat obtained from the earth (geothermal energy), air (aerothermal energy), and water (hydrothermal energy).

Upon conducting a broader analysis of renewable energy sources in terms of emissions and their availability, all RES can be divided into two categories:

  • Raw Material-Based: These are sources that utilize combustion processes in energy conversion (nuclear energy, biomass, biogas, and biofuels) or access to which is licensed by large, institutional providers (rivers, tides, and sea waves),
  • Phenomenon-Based: These sources utilize natural and generally available phenomena occurring in the environment, such as solar radiation, wind, geothermal, aerothermal, or gravity, in their energy conversion processes.

Alternative Energy Sources (AES) represent a natural way of energy acquisition, independent of large institutional providers, from regularly recurring processes occurring in the environment, used for low-emission energy production.

The main distinction of AES is the systematic replenishment of the energy carrier, derived from the use of physical phenomena occurring in the environment, making them practically inexhaustible.

Renewable energy sources are a subset of alternative energy sources, focusing on renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, water, geothermal, and biomass. Alternative energy sources are a general term that encompasses various energy sources, both renewable and non-renewable, that serve as alternatives to traditional fossil fuels.

The use of alternative energy sources is encapsulated in the concept of sustainable development and is crucial for achieving the energy transformation of the economy, which is intended to ensure a safe and long-term future for humanity. Energy from alternative AES is and will likely continue to be widely used to power industrial plants, public utility facilities, and households, which are simultaneously producers and consumers of energy, thereby generating significant savings on the costs of electric energy consumption and the final energy needed to provide heat and cooling.

With the current state of technology, a range of generators is used to convert energy from alternative energy sources, including small windmills and wind turbines, photovoltaic installations, solar collectors, heat pumps, and Free Cooling systems.


Sustainable economic development requires the rational and thoughtful use of renewable energy sources. Despite their benefits, renewable sources are characterized by seasonality and significant instability. To increase the efficiency of using the potential of renewable sources, autonomous power systems are utilized.

Autonomous Power Systems (off-grid) are independent power sources that do not require connection to the power grid. Such systems operate in an island mode and are used for reliable electric power supply from renewable sources. Autonomous power systems can be used as an alternative power supply for home installations, as well as for powering energy-efficient industrial installations and in locations beyond the reach of the energy grid.

Autonomous energy systems, also known as microgrids or autonomous microgrids, are small, independent energy systems capable of generating, storing, and managing electricity at a local level. These systems are typically used to power separate areas or buildings and are independent of traditional, centralized power grids.

Key features of autonomous energy systems include:

  • Renewable Energy Sources: Autonomous energy systems often utilize renewable sources such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, or geothermal energy to generate electricity. This allows for sustainable and eco-friendly energy sources.
  • Energy Storage: Autonomous systems are often equipped with batteries or other energy storage devices that allow for the storage of excess energy and its use during periods of low production, such as at night or during periods without sun.
  • Energy Management: These systems are equipped with advanced energy management systems that control the generation, distribution, and consumption of energy to optimize its use.
  • Resilience to Failures: Autonomous energy systems are often designed with resilience to failures in mind. In the event of a failure in the main power grid, the microgrid can still provide local energy.
  • Integrated Technologies: These systems may combine various technologies, such as renewable energy, smart meters, battery management systems, and control systems, to ensure efficient and reliable energy supplies.

Autonomous energy systems are used in various environments, including remote areas, islands, rural areas, industrial and commercial facilities, and residential buildings. They represent an innovative approach to sustainable and independent electricity production, which can contribute to reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and combat climate change.

Autonomous power systems can be interconnected to form a local network that automatically responds to energy shortages at different network nodes by regulating the flow of electricity.

A basic system consists of a primary power source, an additional energy source, an emergency power source, an energy storage device, a weather station, and a regulator. The primary energy source accounts for 60-80% of the generated electricity and may use photovoltaics, small wind turbines, or cogeneration.

The additional source represents 20-40% of the generated electricity delivered from a different type of renewable energy than the primary source. The energy mix depends on the geographical location of the system. The emergency source can be implemented as an on-grid connection or using a generator. The energy storage system consists of batteries or supercapacitors and hydrogen energy storage.

Hydrogen demonstrates high efficiency – it has the highest heat conduction coefficient among all gases. When burned, it also produces about three times more energy than other fuels – gasoline, propane, or methane. However, it has so far played a minor role in Europe’s power sector. As of 2019, it accounted for less than 2% of total energy production, mainly used in refineries, petrochemical plants, and metallurgy. Yet, as the European Union ambitiously shows in its 2050 plans, it could constitute over 25%.

The role of hydrogen in the power system is becoming increasingly important, especially in the context of efforts towards sustainable and clean energy production and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Hydrogen energy systems can serve several different roles and functions:

  • Energy Storage: Hydrogen can serve as an energy carrier that allows for the storage of excess electricity generated from renewable sources, such as solar and wind energy. Hydrogen can store energy in chemical form and deliver it when needed, which allows for the stabilization of electricity supplies and adaptation to changing weather conditions.
  • Electricity Generation: Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity. Fuel cells convert hydrogen and oxygen into electrical and thermal energy without emitting harmful substances. This is particularly useful in places where direct generation of energy from renewable sources is not possible, e.g., at night when there is no sun or wind.
  • Transport: Hydrogen can be used as an energy carrier in transportation, especially in hydrogen-powered vehicles. Fuel cells powered by hydrogen produce electrical energy that drives the vehicle, contributing to the reduction of exhaust emissions and improving the energy efficiency of transport.
  • Industry: Hydrogen can be used as a carrier of heat and energy in the industry. It can be used for production processes, e.g., for metal reduction, and also for generating heat and steam in industrial plants.
  • Sustainable Development: Hydrogen is a clean energy source that does not generate carbon dioxide emissions or other harmful substances. Its use contributes to reducing the negative impact of human activity on the natural environment and promotes sustainable development.

With the dynamic increase in demand for renewable energy, there is also an increasing need for its storage, hence the importance of hydrogen as a storage medium. Hydrogen has long been considered one of the most promising substances for chemical energy storage, which can be converted back into thermal and electrical energy. This is not only for large-scale industrial or energy installations but also for the end-user.

The more we talk about hydrogen, the more we recognize its advantage over other alternatives. Currently, there are a variety of energy storage technologies on the market, which differ primarily in terms of capacity, storage time, charging and discharging times, and of course, installation costs. Among them, battery systems dominate. In addition to these, kinetic and thermal energy, compressed air, and pumped-storage power plants are also used. The average energy storage time remains relatively short, as does the capacity of its storage. In the case of batteries, energy is stored on average from a few minutes to a few days, usually within 10 MW. Kinetic energy provides average storage up to 100 MW over several to several minutes. Thermal energy allows average storage of over 100 MW over several to several days. Pumped-storage power plants, on the other hand, even over 1000 MW for up to several days. In contrast, hydrogen and hydrogen fuels, such as ammonia, enable average energy storage up to 1000 MW over several weeks to several months. As some analyses show, with minimal losses, they allow energy storage even over the course of an entire year. This represents a significant advantage of hydrogen in terms of energy security.

On a market dominated by battery systems, there may eventually be a shortage of lithium for battery production, including in LFP (lithium iron phosphate), NMC (lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide), LCO (lithium cobalt oxide), or LMO (lithium manganese oxide) technologies. The demand for this raw material is steadily increasing, partly due to the development of electromobility. As experts emphasize, with the current production of batteries resulting from current demand (96 million vehicles in 2018), the resource estimated at 40 million tons may run out within the next 300 years. And that’s an optimistic scenario. With estimated resources at the level of 11 million tons, the time to exhaust these deposits is a prospect of the next 100 years.

Hydrogen production from RES uses the electrolysis method. It involves separating water under the influence of electric current into hydrogen and oxygen. In this way, we obtain zero-emission green hydrogen, which we can use directly or store for later use, or convert back into electrical energy.

Currently, there are several hydrogen storage technologies available, which are constantly being improved to ensure the highest effectiveness of hydrogen storage with its specific physicochemical properties, thus ensuring user safety. Hydrogen can be stored in specially adapted pressure vessels (compressed and liquefied), in post-mining salt caverns (compressed and stored on an industrial scale), in hydrogen-rich chemical compounds, in metal hydrides, and in porous substances.

Reprocessing hydrogen into energy is possible thanks to hydrogen fuel cells. This is a much more efficient method of processing hydrogen than, for example, its direct combustion. Its efficiency currently stands at about 60% (electricity), and the remaining 40% is heat.

One of the most innovative solutions that have emerged recently in the field of electricity generation and storage from renewable energy sources is the concept based on the use of a Zero-Emission Power Plant (ZEPP). It can be used for the conversion of useful electrical energy, in autonomous power systems and hydrogen production using an electrolyzer from large-scale installations of renewable and alternative energy sources, and also for further energy distribution or storage. By investing in this area, we want to contribute to meeting the needs of cities, municipalities, companies, and end-users related to the energy and climate transformation.


Our Offer focus on the implementation and management of systems such as EMAS and ISO 14001, as well as advanced Energy Management Systems (EMS), which assist our clients in achieving their environmental and energy goals.

Our Services:

  • Implementation of the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS):
    We aid our clients in preparing to join the EMAS program, recognized as a mark of environmental responsibility. Our support includes developing environmental management systems, conducting ecological audits, and assisting in the publication of annual environmental reports. As a result, our clients not only meet high environmental protection standards but also gain recognition as leaders in sustainable development.
  • Implementation of the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:
    We provide comprehensive support in implementing the international standard ISO 14001, which enables effective management of a company’s environmental impact. Our services range from planning and implementation to assistance in obtaining certification, ensuring our clients international recognition for their environmental efforts.
  • Advanced Energy Management Systems (EMS):
    We specialize in designing and implementing EMS that allow our clients to monitor, control, and optimize energy use within their facilities. Our solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization, allowing for significant reductions in energy costs and minimizing environmental impact.
  • Experience and Expertise:
    With years of experience and deep knowledge in environmental and energy management, we offer the highest quality services.
  • Individual Approach:
    We understand that each organization is unique. Therefore, our solutions are always customized to meet the individual needs and goals of our clients.
  • Support at Every Stage:
    From initial consultations through system implementation to ongoing support and advice, we are with our clients at every step of their journey towards sustainable development.

We invite you to collaborate with us. Together, we can build a future where your enterprise not only manages its energy resources efficiently but also contributes to the protection of our planet.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your company in achieving environmental and energy goals.


EMAS, the “Eco-Management and Audit Scheme,” is a voluntary environmental management system created by the European Union. Its aim is to support organizations in improving environmental management practices and meticulously monitoring the impact of their activities on the natural environment. EMAS encourages organizations to continuously enhance their environmental impact by adhering to existing environmental protection norms and regulations and making changes to production and consumption processes to become more sustainable. A fundamental aspect of EMAS is to recognize and appreciate those organizations that voluntarily exceed minimum legal requirements, continually improving their environmental actions. By joining EMAS, organizations become part of a prestigious group of entities that regard environmental issues as an integral part of their operations and continuously strive to improve and minimize their environmental impact.

Participation in EMAS is voluntary and available to all organizations, including commercial enterprises, non-profits, and institutions, which use this model to achieve better operational outcomes while simultaneously increasing their efficiency.

The main goals and features of EMAS include:

  • Environmental Management: EMAS helps organizations develop and implement environmental management systems focused on protecting the natural environment and promoting sustainable development.
  • Ecological Audit: Participation in EMAS requires organizations to regularly conduct environmental audits. These are intended to assess the impact of the company’s activities on the environment and identify areas for improvement.
  • Transparency and Reporting: A key component of EMAS is the publication of annual environmental reports. These provide both internal and external stakeholders with information about the organization’s environmental actions.
  • Employee and Supplier Engagement: EMAS encourages the active participation of employees and suppliers in environmentally friendly actions, contributing to the building of an ecological awareness and culture within the organization.
  • Certification: Organizations that meet EMAS standards and are positively evaluated in an environmental audit are entitled to receive an EMAS certificate. This certifies their commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development.

Implementing the EMAS system aims to reduce an organization’s environmental impact and operational costs. Applying this system leads to the optimization of resource usage and, consequently, an improvement in economic indicators. EMAS can also be a way to stand out and increase competitiveness. Through its proactive environmental stance, a company consciously creates a positive image and is seen as modern, demonstrating care for the environment. The increasing trust from the company’s surroundings (both customers and stakeholders) driven by this approach can have numerous benefits from a promotional perspective.

Another promotional tool offered by EMAS is its logo, signifying that a company belongs to a group of entities friendly to nature and humanity. Implementing the EMAS system also increases employee engagement and improves the company’s relations with the media and various environmental organizations.

Technical solutions supporting EMAS include Energy Management Systems (EMS)—Environmental Management System (EMS). This is a structured and procedural set of actions within an organization, developed to manage the impact of its activities on the natural environment. EMS assists companies, institutions, and other organizations in identifying, monitoring, controlling, and minimizing the environmental impact of their operations while complying with existing environmental regulations. One of the most well-known standards of EMS is ISO 14001, which is an international environmental management standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 14001 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving an environmental management system within an organization.

The process of implementing ISO 14001 includes:

  • Understanding the Context of the Organization: Identifying the internal and external environmental context of the organization, along with its objectives and obligations.
  • Planning: Defining environmental objectives and action plans, as well as identifying potential environmental risks and opportunities.
  • Implementation and Operation: Establishing and implementing processes, procedures, and actions related to environmental management.
  • Monitoring and Measurement: Regularly monitoring and measuring environmental performance to assess progress towards achieving environmental objectives.
  • Evaluation of Compliance and Audits: Conducting audits and compliance evaluations with environmental laws as well as internal environmental management standards.
  • Continual Improvement and Corrective Actions: Continuously improving the environmental management system by identifying areas requiring improvement and implementing corrective actions.

EMS helps organizations reduce their environmental impact, lower costs associated with environmental protection, and meet stakeholder expectations for sustainable development. Through the implementation of EMS, organizations can also gain a competitive edge, enhance their reputation, and become more environmentally friendly.

EMS may also refer to a computerized system designed to automatically control and monitor electromechanical devices that consume significant energy in a building, such as heating, ventilation, and lighting systems. The system ranges from managing a single building to a group of buildings, such as university campuses, office complexes, retail store networks, or factories. Most energy management systems also provide the capability to read electric, gas, and water meters. The data obtained can then be used for numerous self-diagnostic and optimization procedures and to develop analysis of trends and yearly consumption forecasts. Energy management systems are often used by commercial entities to monitor, measure, and control their electrical loads in buildings. They can be used for central control of devices like HVAC units and lighting systems across multiple locations, such as grocery stores and restaurants.


We offer a full range of professional services related to carbon footprint management, which will help your company achieve sustainable development and meet increasing environmental requirements. Our approach is holistic and tailored to the individual needs of each client, based on solid data and collaboration with renowned experts.

Our services include:

  • Comprehensive Carbon Footprint Analysis: We conduct detailed audits and analyses that cover not only direct emissions but also the entire value chain.
  • Individual Emission Reduction Strategies: We develop personalized emission reduction plans that are realistic and based on the latest technologies.
  • Certification and Reporting: We assist in preparing reports and obtaining certifications that enhance your company’s credibility in the eyes of customers and partners.
  • Support in Communication: We advise on how to effectively communicate sustainable development activities, strengthening the positive image of the brand.

We invite you to explore the full range of our services and contact us to find out how we can support your business in reducing your carbon footprint and building a sustainable future.


The carbon tax is a fiscal tool introduced by governments to tax the carbon content in fossil fuels. Its primary task is to limit greenhouse gas emissions, thereby contributing to the fight against climate change. By financially penalizing CO2 emissions, this tax encourages both businesses and consumers to reduce their carbon footprint. This encourages reducing energy consumption, investing in technologies that increase energy efficiency, and transitioning to more ecological energy sources.

The basis for the carbon tax is the economic principle of negative externalities. Carbon emissions contribute to climate change, which has a wide range of negative effects on the environment and society, such as extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, and threats to food and water security. However, the costs of these impacts are not reflected in the market prices of carbon-based fuels. The carbon tax aims to correct this market failure by incorporating the social cost of carbon emissions into the price of fossil fuels, making cleaner options more competitive and attractive.

The carbon tax has been introduced in various countries and regions of the world, taking diverse forms and rates, which can significantly differ from each other. The effectiveness of the carbon tax in reducing greenhouse gas emissions depends on many factors, including the level of the imposed rate, the scope of taxation, and how the generated revenues are used. Some governments choose to use the proceeds from the carbon tax to reduce other tax burdens, such as income tax or VAT, which is a strategy known as the revenue neutrality of the carbon tax. Others invest the funds in projects promoting renewable energy sources, the development of public transport, or other initiatives aimed at further reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

The carbon tax plays a fundamental role in the energy transition, encouraging the shift from using carbon-based energy sources to more sustainable and ecological technologies.

Here are a few key aspects of this process:

  • Stimulating Innovation and Investment: By making fossil fuels more expensive, the carbon tax encourages businesses to invest in research and development of new, cleaner energy technologies, such as solar, wind, or geothermal energy.
  • Increasing the Competitiveness of Renewable Energy: As the costs of producing energy from fossil fuels rise due to carbon emission taxation, renewable energy becomes more competitively priced. This can accelerate the development and adoption of renewable energy sources.
  • Changing Consumer Behaviors: The carbon tax can also influence consumer decisions, encouraging more efficient energy use and reduced energy demand. For example, higher fuel prices may prompt households and businesses to invest in energy-efficient appliances and solutions.
  • Using Tax Revenue: Governments can use revenues from the carbon tax to fund renewable energy-related projects, energy efficiency, or other actions aimed at emission reduction. This may include subsidies for green technologies, development of infrastructure for electric vehicles, and support for communities most affected by climate change.
  • Improving Energy Security: Accelerating the energy transition can also contribute to increased energy security by reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels and promoting diversification of energy sources.

The energy transition requires significant changes in how energy is produced, transmitted, and consumed. The carbon tax is one of the policy tools that can accelerate this process by creating economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions and invest in clean technologies.


As a company engaged in energy transformation, we utilize cable pooling to optimize energy infrastructure and promote sustainable development.

Our Offer Includes:

  • Optimization of Cable Infrastructure: We conduct audits of existing cable infrastructure at various locations to identify areas where cable pooling can be applied. Then, we propose solutions aimed at consolidating or improving existing cable routes to enhance their efficiency and reduce operational costs.
  • Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: We assist our clients in integrating new renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic panels, wind farms, or hydroelectric power plants, using cable pooling. We design solutions that allow these sources to be connected to the existing cable infrastructure efficiently and safely.
  • Advisory Services in Energy Infrastructure Management: We provide advisory services to our clients on optimizing and managing cable infrastructure. We help identify the best cable pooling practices according to specific needs and support planning and implementing energy infrastructure modernization projects.
  • Education and Training: We organize training sessions and workshops for clients on the benefits and best practices related to cable pooling. We help clients understand the opportunities this method offers and the economic, environmental, and operational benefits that result from its implementation.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: We offer monitoring and maintenance services for the modernized cable infrastructure. We provide clients with regular inspections and maintenance to maintain high performance and reliability of the system.

Through these actions, we can help clients efficiently utilize cable infrastructure, reducing operational costs, enhancing energy efficiency, and contributing to achieving sustainable development goals.

What is Cable Pooling?

Cable pooling is a mechanism that allows the use of the same grid connection point to connect more than one renewable energy installation (REI). In other words, it involves combining various REI generation sources, such as photovoltaic farms and wind farms, in one location, allowing for more efficient use of infrastructure and increased energy production efficiency.

For example, hybrid REI installations, combining a wind farm and a solar farm at one connection point, are a key goal of cable pooling, aiming to enhance the efficiency of existing connection infrastructure and promote sustainable energy production.

Cable pooling in Poland, introduced by the amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act in 2023, allows the combination of multiple renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar farms, into one grid connection point. This system aims to optimize the use of network capacity, allowing for more efficient use of infrastructure and potential reduction in investment costs for new installations.

In Poland, the term “cable pooling” can be applied in the context of energy infrastructure management, especially in the context of the energy transformation. Energy transformation is the process of changing the way energy is produced, distributed, and consumed, aiming to transition to more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient solutions.

As part of the energy transformation, various initiatives related to energy infrastructure management, including cable pooling practices, may emerge to optimize the use of existing energy cables and integrate new renewable energy sources into the existing network.

Cable pooling in Poland includes:

  • Optimization of Cable Infrastructure: Through the consolidation of energy cables into one route or using existing routes to reduce infrastructure costs and minimize environmental impact.
  • Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: Using cable pooling practices to integrate new renewable energy sources, such as wind farms or photovoltaic panels, into the existing energy network increases the share of renewable energy in total energy production.
  • Improvement of Network Efficiency: Grouping energy cables helps optimize energy flow in the network, contributing to increased efficiency and flexibility.

In the context of energy transformation, cable pooling practices can be an important part of the strategy for modernizing energy infrastructure, which is necessary to achieve sustainable development goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By optimizing and effectively managing cable infrastructure, Poland can accelerate the transformation of current solutions into a more sustainable and energy-efficient system.


If you are interested in cooperating in the field of ENERGY SERVICES, we invite you.


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